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Mandatory Annual Ethics Training

Ethics Online Training

  1. Go to
  2. If you have previously completed the online ethics training you will login in using your email and password (there should be options if you can’t recall your password) OR if you have never used the online system
  3. Click on “Register (New User)”
  4. Enter requested information and complete registration instructions
  5. Print Certificate at conclusion of training segments and present to your Principal or immediate supervisor.
  6. Deadline for Principals to submit documentation of completion to Central Office is 16 March 2018.
  7. If you have completed ethics training for 2017-2018 as required by another job or elected office you hold you need only provide your certificate of completion to your Principal or immediate supervisor by the deadline.



These instructions can be downloaded >> HERE <<.


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Winn Parish School Board
304 E. Court St
Winnfield, Louisiana 71483
Phone: (318) 628-6936